#1 in Mobile App Session Replay

Find and fix usability issues

Solve technical problems

Discover optimization opportunities

Trusted by 37,000+ mobile apps

Group 41
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Understand users in their natural setting

Watch recordings to craft hypotheses for app improvements.
  • Identify user pain points
  • Validate design changes
  • Create an intuitive UX

Discover optimization opportunities

Analyze user interactions for common points of friction.
  • Drive continuous improvement
  • Inform design decisions
  • Address points of friction

Resolve app issues quickly

Understand the root causes for technical problems in seconds.
  • Increase user satisfaction
  • Build a reliable app
  • Better team collaboration with a clear understanding of the problem’s source

Analyze important user segments

Create custom segments from a big library of auto-captured properties.
  • Find interesting replays quickly
  • Make evidence-based decisions
  • Gain a deep user understanding

37,000+ raving fans use UXCam's session replay

UXCam is the market leader for mobile app session replay and mobile app analytics.

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We now use UXCam to validate our product ideas and test out hypotheses with raw, actionable user insights.


Gaurav Jain Lead Product Manager

Read the case study
If something goes wrong within the app, UXCam is the first port of call to understand what’s going on. Playing a key role across multiple teams, UXCam is now an integral part of the launch and live ops strategy.

Costa Coffee

Daniel Tomlinson Global Digital Analytics Manager

Read the case study
We wanted to make data-driven decisions on what content to push out next and evaluate how our instructors are doing. With UXCam, we get a holistic picture of the top performing content within the app and the instructors that drive the highest user engagement.

Inspire Fitness

Neil Jain Product Manager

Read the case study